“Moving Central Asian Studies ever further: Orthodox vs Unorthodox approaches”
5-8 June 2025: Tashkent and Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
5-8 June 2025: Tashkent and Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
We are pleased to announce the International Conference: «Geopolitics, Migrations and Identities in Central Eurasia», a Joint Meeting of the CESS (Central Eurasian Studies Society) and the ESCAS (European Society for Central Asian Studies) – an in-person conference scheduled to take place from January 8 to January 10, 2025 (Wednesday to Friday), at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
ESCAS 2023 Regional Conference: “Power, people and cultural change in an ever-evolving Central Asia”
21 – 24 September 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Alberica Camerani, Dublin City University
Adrien Fauve, IFEAC, Bishkek
Slavomir Horak, Charles University, Prague
Eugenia Pesci, Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki
Abel Polese, Dublin City University
Mélanie Sadozaï, George Washington University
Gulmira Sultangalieva, Al-Farabi, Kazakh National University
Sevara Usmanova, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent
ESCAS is teaming up with an Erasmus+ Strategic partnership for higher education called “Eurasian Insights” (co-funded by the European Union).
The “Eurasian Insights” conference will be held in Ghent (Belgium) from Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 March 2021. The purposes of the event are threefold:
The call for applications closes on 20 October 2020 (click here to visit the website, discover the draft program and apply)
ESCAS officers 2019-2021
ESCAS Board members:
ESCAS Treasurer:
The new ESCAS Board officers and Board members would like to express deep gratitude to the former ESCAS leadership team who notably managed to organize a wonderful conference in Exeter (June 2019).
ESCAS officers 2017-2019
ESCAS wishes to recognize also the service of the many distinguished scholars who have served on the ESCAS Board in the past.
Please find the final programme of the XVI ESCAS conference online at the conference website (click here for the PDF).
[Russian translation here.]
Statement of concern over the indictment and imprisonment of Professor Andrei V. Kubatin, Institute of Oriental Studies, Tashkent
10 June, 2019
The European Society for Central Asian Studies expresses its deep concern over the indictment and continued imprisonment, and alleged torture of our colleague Andrei V. Kubatin in Uzbekistan. Andrei Kubatin is a well-known scholar, who worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Tashkent, and who has made a significant contribution to the study of the early history of Uzbekistan.
In December 2017 Andrei Kubatin was convicted of treason and sentenced to 11 years imprisonment (later reduced to six years on appeal).[1] The prosecution alleged that he provided scanned copies of rare books to a foreign scholar. Kubatin maintains that none of the materials involved classified documents, but were copies of publicly available scholarly works from his own library. He maintains his innocence of all charges. International human rights groups and scholarly associations have repeatedly highlighted his case and urged his release.[2] They have also pointed to credible evidence that he was tortured during the initial phase of detention.[3]
The continued imprisonment of Andrei Kubatin threatens to undermine recent important advances made by the Government of Uzbekistan in expanding academic freedom and promoting international academic cooperation. We understand that Andrei Kubatin has been granted an appeal hearing which will take place once again on Wednesday, June 12.
We join others in the scholarly community in calling for Andrei Kubatin’s release.
The ESCAS Board.
[1] http://enews.fergananews.com/news.php?id=3801&mode=snews
[2] See the statement by the Central Eurasian Studies Society, at https://www.centraleurasia.org/2019/kubatin Human Rights Watch, https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/03/08/beyond-samarkand
[3] Human Rights Watch World Report 2019, ‘Uzbekistan’, https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/uzbekistan
Заявление о обеспокоенности по поводу обвинительного заключения и заключения в тюрьму профессора Андрея Кубатина, Институт востоковедения, Ташкент
10 июня 2019 г.
Европейское общество по изучению Центральной Азии выражает глубокую обеспокоенность по поводу обвинительного заключения и продолжающегося тюремного заключения, а также по поводу предполагаемых пыток нашего коллеги Андрея Кубатина в Узбекистане. Андрей Кубатин – известный ученый, который работал в Институте востоковедения в Ташкенте и внес значительный вклад в изучение ранней истории Узбекистана.
В декабре 2017 года Андрей Кубатин был признан виновным в государственной измене и приговорен к 11 годам лишения свободы (после апелляции срок был сокращен до шести лет). [1] Согласно обвинению, Андрей Кубатин пeредал отсканированные копии редких книг иностранному ученому. Кубатин утверждает, что ни один из указанных материалов не содержал секретных документов, все материалы были копиями общедоступных научных работ из его личной библиотеки. Он настаивает на своей невиновности в отношении всех выдвинутых против него обвинений. Международные правозащитные группы и научные ассоциации неоднократно освещали его дело и требовали его освобождения. [2] Они также указывают на наличие достоверных доказательств того, что находясь под стражей во время предварительного заключения ученый подвергался пыткам.[3]
Продолжающееся лишение свободы Андрея Кубатина ставит под сомнение важные шаги, предпринятые правительством Узбекистана в последнее время, направленные на расширение академической свободы и развитие международного академического сотрудничества.
Новое слушание по апелляции поданной Андреем Кубатиным назначено на среду, 12 июня.
Мы присоединяемся к призывам научного сообщества освободить Андрея Кубатина.
[1] http://enews.fergananews.com/news.php?id=3801&mode=snews
[2] See the statement by the Central Eurasian Studies Society, at https://www.centraleurasia.org/2019/kubatin Human Rights Watch, https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/03/08/beyond-samarkand
[3] Human Rights Watch World Report 2019, ‘Uzbekistan’, https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/uzbekistan