
To apply for ESCAS membership, there are two parts:

  1. Complete the form linked below and save it.  Then send it by email attachment to both ESCAS Secretary, Dr. Adrien Fauve (adrien.fauve /at/ and to the ESCAS common address (
  2. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the form for sending your membership payment.   The Lifetime membership fee is € 100.  A special reduced fee of € 50 applies for citizens of the following  states: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.  See the form linked below for information on how to make payment.

Once we receive your application and payment, the ESCAS Board will review your candidacy before you are officially registered as a member and added to the ESCAS Member Directory.

ESCAS membership
You will need WORD or a similar program to complete this form.  Be sure to save the completed form and send it by email as an attachment.