All posts by Slavomir Horak

2025 Joint ESCAS/CESS supported conference

We are pleased to announce the International Conference: «Geopolitics, Migrations and Identities in Central Eurasia», a Joint Meeting of the CESS (Central Eurasian Studies Society) and the ESCAS (European Society for Central Asian Studies) – an in-person conference scheduled to take place from January 8 to January 10, 2025 (Wednesday to Friday), at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Further information

ESCAS 2022-2024 Board elected!

ESCAS is pleased to announce the results of 2022 elections and introduce its Board members for the 2022-2024 term.

Alberica Camerani, Dublin City University

Adrien Fauve, IFEAC, Bishkek

Slavomir Horak, Charles University, Prague

Eugenia Pesci, Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki

Abel Polese, Dublin City University

Mélanie Sadozaï, George Washington University

Gulmira Sultangalieva, Al-Farabi, Kazakh National University

Sevara Usmanova, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent